Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2021
Conference Name Business Management and Accounting
On Stage 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Registration 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Category Accounting
Published By -
Indexed In ISBN


Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2021
Conference Name Health and Nursing
On Stage 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Registration 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Category Sciences
Published By -
Indexed In ISBN


Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2021
Conference Name Social Humanities, Religious Studies and Law
On Stage 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Registration 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Category Sciences
Published By -
Indexed In ISBN


Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2021
Conference Name Engineering and Technology
On Stage 01-01-2021 - 12-12-2022
Registration 01-01-2021 - 12-12-2022
Category Sciences
Published By -
Indexed In ISBN


Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2022
Conference Name Business Management and Accounting
On Stage 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Registration 01-01-2022 - 06-08-2022
Category Management
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Business, Management, and Accounting facilitates research from the fields of economics, business, management, finance, accounting. This also includes but not limited to sharia economics, economics policy, tax, corporations, and international business administration.

Upcoming Conferences
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Event Name Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference 2022
Conference Name Social Religious and Law
On Stage 01-01-2022 - 12-12-2022
Registration 02-01-2022 - 26-07-2022
Category Social
Published By -
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Social sciences, Religious studies, and Law covers a wider range of social sciences including politics and government, education, literature, philosophy, communication, international relations, public administration, counseling. In addition, SRL also covers religious studies and law sciences, which include but not limited to comparative religion, preaching, theology, religion education, manuscript analysis, and law sciences.